New Health Class Posters

What is health class without all the anatomy posters hanging around the room? From the muscular and skeletal systems, down to the digestive and reproductive systems. According to the teacher Mr. Johnson, “Having these posters hanging in the room gives the students a place that is visually intriguing to learn”. Adding that “At any point and time the students can go up and see what part of the body they are interested in”.

These posters were purchased through a Mini-Grant from the Education Foundation and are all made from a heavy plastic material, so they will withstand time and use. During the days when we are learning about all the different body systems, the students can take the posters down, and use dry erase markers on them. They can use the dry erase markers to help them remember where the different body parts are in the systems by labeling and drawing on the poster boards. Without this hands on activity on these giant poster boards, only the students that learn by visual and auditory aids will be reached. Now with this hands on activity every student can learn about the amazing human body.