Sciences classes use new ‘Smart Board’

science smart board 1The Cissna Park Education Foundation recently funded the purchase and installation of a Promethean Board in the sciences classroom. Teacher Brad Wacker said that “I have already begun to implement the use of the Promethean Board in my class through interactive lessons and testing at the board”.

Brad teaches 50 students in the subjects of chemistry, physics, anatomy/physiology, and biology II in grades 10 through 12. “What I love about Promethean Boards is how they allow students the opportunity to get out of their seats and participate in a hands-on learning experience with a computerized interface” Brad said. He added “Within my physics class, I have created an activity to introduce concepts of gravity”. In this image, a student is revealing the answer using the “Magic Ink” feature. The other physics students especially enjoyed being able to actively learn something instead of staying in their seats.

science smart board 2Brad also likes how the Promethean board has the ability to allow 2 students to be at the board at the same time! In this photo, 2 students are practicing electron dot diagrams for chemistry. Brad commented that “I plan on eventually making a timed game out of this activity, in which students will race to see who can complete their electron dot diagrams first.”.

“In my future endeavors with the Promethean Board, I plan to create whole games for review and learning” Brand said. He added “These engaging games would not have been possible were it not for the amazing people within the Cissna Park Education Foundation”.